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"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

- Nikola Tesla

The concept behind this paper sample booklet is centered around Nikola Tesla, a famous scientist, most well known for his invention of the alternating current motor. The first spreads introduce the concept of free, wireless energy, which was the ultimate goal of Tesla's creations. However, to get to such complex ideas, he began much smaller, first creating an alternating current motor, or as its commonly known, an AC motor. At the time, he was competing for viability with Tomas Eddison, who insisted that his DC (direct current) motor was superior. Seeing as most modern motors follow Tesla's version, time eventually decided the victor of that competition. Despite being undermined by Eddison's fame, Tesla was committing his time to more extravagant inventions to benefit and advance all of humanity.

Tesla Booklet

The following spreads depict another famous invention, the Tesla Coil. The first iterations of this design were the groundwork for his later work, essentially being smaller versions of the Wardenclyffe Tower, which is what he claimed would allow the transmission of wireless energy across the globe. The idea of wirelessly transmitting energy gave room for more outlandish creations, such as schematics for an aircraft that looks and acts similar to what is commonly pictured when describing UFOs.

Tesla 3D object

The final spread includes a pop-up model of the Wardenclyffe Tower, which Tesla planned on using to transmit energy wirelessly. The idea was to build a global network of structures, with the first one being constructed in Long Island, New York. Tesla initially had funding from the oil giant, J. P. Morgan, but after realizing the potential detriment to the oil industry, he cut funding. This eventually led to the dismantling of Wardenclyffe to pay off Tesla's debts. He was never able to secure funding to reconstruct the first or to begin construction on the subsequent towers, thus his dream of free and wireless energy never became a reality. Tesla was very interested in the Pyramids during his lifetime, and in recent years, the Pyramids of Giza have been discovered to potentially have electroconductive properties that could function similarly to the proposed nature of the Wardenclyffe Tower. Tesla hypothesized that these structures were, in fact, large scale energy conductors that had the capabilities to transmit energy wirelessly across the globe for an ancient civilization. 

Following Nikola Tesla's death in his apartment on January 7, 1943, the US government's Office of Alien Property seized all of the research, schematics, and prototypes associated with Tesla. Though the FBI has released some of the notes and research in recent years, some of the information still seems to remain classified. Even the confirmed nephew of Tesla, Sava N. Kosanovic, has only received a portion of the trunks of documents and research recorded during the government's initial confiscation. 

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